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Bryan W. Alaspa

Where Are Things Now? New Stuff

So, I am happy to announce that I have completed the first draft of my new horror novel. It is tentatively entitled S.P.I.D.A.R. and to find out why, well, you'll just have to wait to see it published. As to when that is, well, you might be waiting a while. It is off to a Beta reader now, then rewrites, then off to another Beta reader and more edits - and then I plan to shop this one around to some literary agents and maybe a few publishers, too. It is my first straight-up horror genre piece in a while. Just scary, creepy stuff and no alternate realities and that kind of stuff here. That means it's a bit more marketable to some agents and publishers, I reckon, so it may be a while before you see this. However, I hope it means I get an agent and a big publishing deal and maybe can finally be your loyal horror author full time? We shall see.

Do not despair! I am getting an edited draft back of the new Deklan Falls detective novel next week! I know it needs some tweaking and rewrites, but I am hopefully going to get you a brand new novel by late winter/early spring. This will close out the Oldtowne trilogy which deals with Deklan and Thomas Mahone and I am going to start doing a few one-off novels for Falls that are a little more in the traditional detective vein. He'll get a client, investigate and provide a solution in a self-contained story. But, eventually, you know Mahone and his ilk are going to come back. No one ever stays clean in Oldtowne.

The progress on the Strange Fruit and the Slender Man audiobook is coming along nicely. I will hopefully have that for you in a couple months, too. The talent reading the book is fantastic and I think you are going to love this one. So, stay tuned.

As for the rest of the year? Well, edits and rewrites on S.P.I.D.A.R. will delay me on a few things. However, I would like to write the next chapter in the Elementals series. I also owe you all the third and final installment of Rotate the Earth.

I have at least two ideas for stand-alone horror novels I am working on, too, but I am hoping by the time I get to writing them, S.P.I.D.A.R. will be out in stores and a huge hit and I will be able to write them for a publisher under a lucrative contract. Both are horror novels and one has an historical bent that will require quite a bit of research on my part - so I am going to spend part of this year actually just reading.

All this means that 2017 is likely to be a lower output year than last year. That's good, though. Low output does not mean I am not working, it just means I am working in ways you can't see. I am hopeful for a year of good news, agents, publishing deals, edits and rewrites and great stories.

Also, I have entered a collaboration with a fellow horror writer - so I am still working on stuff. I'll have more on that later.

Be well and stay tuned!


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