2019 was a mixed bag as far as my own life is concerned. As far as my writing career, it was definitely mostly up. Of course, like the rest of the world, frustration came from external forces like politics and general insanity in the world. It was also the year I lost my beloved dog Gracie, so soon after we lost our beloved Pippa-girl. Neither of those things really go away, you just sort of learn to live with it.
Mostly, 2019 was the year for my 2015 novel The Man From Taured to become my bestselling novel (challenging RIG for the first time). It was a trend that actually started at the end of 2018 when I noticed people suddenly buying up the book in December of that year. I couldn't figure out why and then, it just kept happening. In fact, it increased as 2019 started, got stronger throughout January and February into the spring. Things leveled off a bit in summer, but it still became my most consistent seller.
Why? Well, I still don't know, but I still thank all of my readers for doing this and for spreading the world about this book. It's my longest novel and I put a lot of effort, sweat and a few tears into it. Whatever it is that brought you to it, I hope you enjoyed it and told a friend.
As for new work, well 2019 was a busy year. It started in March with the release of my sci-fi,
Mandella Effect-based novel The Revisionists came out. A novel I loved writing and had one of the most devastating endings I have ever written. If you haven't checked it out, I hope you do. It's a mind-bending thriller exploring concepts which are of great interest to me about what reality itself is.
Starting in April, I wrote and published a number of short stories. I was in a shorter-fiction mode for sure throughout 2019. I hope you Kindle fans checked those out and they are still out there for about 99 cents a piece if you want to read them individually.
Summer brought the release of a novel which is a companion piece to The Man From Taured set in my favorite fictional PA town - Knorr. The Wraith
tells the story of a bizarre experiment which started during World War Two and then continued into modern times. It's another inter-dimensional tale featuring my favorite characters from Knorr and bringing back some friends first introduced in TMFT.
I began a concerted effort to write ore short fiction - novellas in particular. Doing so caused me to find outlets for stories I had dancing around in my head, but couldn't quite coalesce into a full
novel. The first of these was The Hidden Library, a very strange, creepy, story about a small town library with a hidden room up above. Another exploration of my obsession about reality itself and how we can alter or change it, and about what happens if you suddenly knew more than you wanted to know about the people in your life.
wrote my long-wanted World War One tale in the form of Hellhound, which is another novella which came out this past Christmas. Set during the battles near the end of the war, a troupe of American soldiers find out there is a lot more to fear in the French countryside than just bombs and bullets. I have always had a fascination with the First World War and always wanted to write something set it in. It started with the short story The U-Boat and then explored more deeply in this one.
Finally, I released another collection of short stories. Darkness Falls
was my October 31 - Halloween - release for the year. I also got to work with a friend of mine from back in high school when I saw his painting entitled "Fear" and knew it had to be the cover for this book. Shawn Arscott is a talented artist and I am glad to have featured his work on the cover.
In short, 2019 was a year where I published 5 novel/novella length works and wrote several short stories. I also wrote another novella (The Cut-Through) which I happen to think is one of the best I have written as well as editing a novel which will most likely reach you in 2020.
Thank you all for being there with me this year. I hope you'll read more of my work in the coming year. Keep sharing, keep reading, keep leaving reviews. I cannot do this without you.
Happy new year!