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Bryan W. Alaspa
Sep 14, 20182 min read
Social media reminder - come join the party
Hey there, regular readers and fans and whatever. My people! How are you? Great. Look, I know there is a lot going on and things are...
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Bryan W. Alaspa
May 17, 20175 min read
WRITING TIPS: Using Twitter
There are a lot of writers out there and they have a lot of suggestions for marketing your work. The most popular thing I see advised to...
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Bryan W. Alaspa
Sep 20, 20161 min read
Yeah, So, Now I'm on Instagram
So, just wanted to let you know that I am now on the social media photo-sharing site Instagram. I actually signed up for the thing years...
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Bryan W. Alaspa
Apr 11, 20163 min read
WRITING TIPS: Using Social Media for Book Promotion
One of the things that you are going to have to do when you decide to self-publish is use social media. Get over your fear of Facebook...
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