Storyland - now available as audiobook
I am very pleased to announce that the audiobook version of my bestselling 2017 psychological thriller Storyland is now available! Named...
Storyland - now available as audiobook
Blog Tour Stop 4: SunShineSarahXO Guest Post
Storyland Blog Tour: Stories Can Make Us Fly
Storyland Blog Tour Stop 2: Creative Misfit
Word of mouth: How you can help me with Storyland
Why every independent author needs to know SEO
Excerpt: Read from Storyland
Coming tomorrow!
My interview with Fiona McVie
What is psychological suspense?
OK - So what the hell is Storyland?
The Storyland Book Trailer 1
COMING SOON...Pre-Order Now
Suspense author Bryan Alaspa releases novel “too dark” for traditional publishers