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Writer's pictureBryan Alaspa

What’s Coming in 2022 - a break of sorts

So, since about 2006 I have been cranking out a lot of books. I mean, like a lot of books. I am now the author of more than 50 books and novels. At a minimum, I have been averaging about two novels released every year with one in the spring and one always around Halloween. I have also released dozens of short stories, novellas and more.

As of right now, I am finishing up a first draft of a novel and I have two other novels ready for a second draft. All that said - in 2022, I plan to take a break from writing novels.

As I just wrote, I have three in the pipeline, but I may not be releasing two a year. Maybe just one a year. That being clear, I am NOT taking a break from writing.

Well, I write for my day job, but that’s not what I mean, either. No, you see, I met this amazingly talented voice and audio production person named Allie James. And for the past two years we have been producing a podcast horror anthology called When the Night Comes Out. It has been a blast. Sure, we make zero money on it and don’t have any sponsors, but it’s

been a bit of a dream come true for me.

See, I always wished I had been born at a time when radio was king. When The Shadow lurked on the airwaves. Audio drama has been a favorite of mine since I was a kid, and I would gladly snatch up cassette tapes or listen to streaming old-time radio dramas. I always sort of wished I could write those because I love audio dramas. I love conjuring the images in my head.

Well, now that podcasts are a thing - I can do that. Right now, Allie has just been reading my short stories and adding a ton of sound effects and production. Season 3 of the podcast is already under way in some form. However, Allie and I have talked repeatedly about wanting to create original content written explicitly as audio drama scripts.

So, I am going to try and write some. Then Allie and I will try to record them and release them. Either as long movie-length stories, or perhaps broken up...we don’t know yet.

I mean, if Hollywood movie producers are not beating a path to my door to adapt my books, and literary agents scream and run in the opposite direction from me when I submit to them, I am gonna have to do this myself and in a format I enjoy. So, I will likely adapt a few of my stories as original releases, but also create some brand new tales from scratch.

Hopefully they get noticed. Hopefully people listen and enjoy them. Maybe we’ll get sponsors. We’ve also talked about When the Night Comes Out merchandise. See, that’s what’s so exciting for me, the possibilities are endless. Could an entire podcast production company be in the future? Maybe, who knows.

We could also fall flat on our faces. Either I have total writer’s block trying to write in a new format or all of our shows tank and no one cares.

But it sure is going to be fun to try. Season 2 of WTNCO doubled our listenership. Now seems to be the time. I mean, one day some big production company is going to snatch Allie up and pay her the big bucks she deserves, so if I don’t do this now... I may never get the chance.

So, we’re gonna give it a shot in 2022. And I could not be more excited to see what happens. I hope you’ll come along for the ride.

Bryan Alaspa

December 2021

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