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So, I'm writing a play? Yeah, I'm working on a play

Many times in this world you have to go out and find your dreams. Sometimes, and these are very rare, things just come to you. Over the years I have written short stories. I have written novellas. I have written more than 40 novels and books. Back in high school I tried my hand at poetry (not very good, be glad I abandoned that) and even have made sad attempts to write songs. I have event taken a stab at writing scripts for comic books and movies.

One thing I have always wanted to do was write a play. My parents were very big into theater and it's just something I always thought would be cool. I have had ideas for stage plays before, but never once tried to commit them to paper (or digital - whatever). Then, a little while back, this dream reached out to me.

A former classmate of mine from high school named Laurie Green reached out to me and asked if I might want to help her write a play. She had a bunch of songs she thought might make a good musical, but wanted it to be a psychological thriller. I had just written one of those and thought this would be fun. She had songs, but no story. Could she send them to me and see what I could come up with?

The other thing I had always wanted to do was collaborate. There have been some attempts, but I thought this might be the way to go. Send me the songs.

I read them and they did inspire me. I came up with an idea, even wrote a bit of a scene in script format. However, with the first idea, I soon ran into a wall, I couldn't figure out how to maintain the suspense. I couldn't find the footing of the second act. I sent what I had to Laurie.

In true collaborative form, she called back and said - yeah, I can see how this may not work. What if we did this instead. As soon as she explained her idea, it clicked. This was it.

It took me a while, but I eventually worked out a story idea, worked out an outline, created the characters and worked out an ending. I sent that off to Laurie and she has been translating that into a script format. I saw the first draft and did some edits, but it's so good.

Laurie has informed me she is making plans to end up producing this play in 2022. It takes a long time to get this written, find the actors, fine-tuning as the play is produced, get the set done, etc., etc. A lot can derail things between now and then, but Laurie's energy is so contagious I think it's going to happen.

I don't have a title yet. We're talking about maybe removing songs, but having incidental music, but it could also end up still as a musical. I hope it plays in Chicago for weeks. I hope people love it and I hope they are thrilled by the story and on the edge of their seat.

Thank you Laurie for reaching out and helping make this dream come true. I can't wait to dress up and be there with you and the rest of the people involved on opening night.

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